and the few shards of glass
that remain in my frame
still shimmer with your hues
my gaze causes
colours to blind
︎ 35 / You are not here
oceans are here
being pulled in close
by a swollen sky
to feel its weight
descend from the clouds
redrawing the familiar
in rippling and decidedly
unrecognisable vibrations
︎ 34 / stutter
I am now a hive of wings
that makes the senses
flicker and flicker until
finally the quickening
resonance accents
the brain with a tint
I am now a hive of wings
︎ 33 / drifting
hands drift toward
the unfurling valence of
mouths salivating purple
with the last of the
shadows on the earth
set between the far hills
[adjacent reverberation intensifies]
︎ 32 / glances
When I happen to meet
anyone I want to lie down
so that we are entwined together